Monday, May 9, 2011

What to do?

So I've been doing a lot of cleaning and tidying around the house, which is good, but also very frustrating at the same time.  My room itself is a decent size, but I just don't have room for all of my stuff.  I already have a good chunk of my trinkets and collectible things away in storage, and not too long ago I got rid of 10 13-gallon bags of clothing and shoes to the thrift store.  

I STILL don't have enough room for anything.

shoes in my closet

shoes in my closet

shoes in my closet

All the shoes that WON'T fit in my closet. Wait, no, I lied.  There are still another 10 pairs crunched miserably in a tupperware.  And they're cute summer shoes, so they definitely need to be out D:

wardrobe fit to burst

closet fit to burst
What to do?

1 comment:

  1. How did I not know you had a blog?

    Also gurl I be spying some of my favorite shoes!
